A Place For The Lord By Chip Brodgen

“Foxes have their dens, and birds have their nests; but the Son of Man has no where to lay His head (Matthew 8:20).

How may we prepare a place for the Lord Jesus? What is He searching for? Where is the place of His rest? Many of us have traveled “outside the camp” in search of something more in tune with God ’s own heart. I believe the most important calling we have is to prepare a place for the Lord Jesus, to give Him somewhere to lay His head. We will find that the purest, simplest expression of the Church is that which satisfies the Lord’s heart and gives Him a place. A LONELY JESUS WITHDRAWS

“News about Jesus spread fast, and crowds of people were coming to hear Him teach and to be healed of their sicknesses: but Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:15,16)."

Many of us share a remarkable testimony. I have spoken with several who can confirm my own experience. It is this: while sitting or standing within the church service many of us have had the sense that Jesus is quite lonely, in spite of all the praise, worship, and things which are done in His Name. I recently found a book published nearly twenty years ago in which the author claims to have experienced the same feeling. It is as if Jesus is on the outside looking in. After much prayer we have come to understand that most of what is done in the name of “church” is not for the Lord at all, but it is for us. Perhaps this explains why Jesus often withdrew Himself to a lonely place, and why perhaps He is withdrawing Himself from much of what is being done “in His Name”. If someone asks why we do not participate more often in meetings or in gatherings, all we can say is that, most of the time, the Lord ’s Need is not being met in those places.

Jesus often withdrew to a lonely place. More and more, we are finding Christians in these “lonely places” who are praying, waiting, and wondering. I believe this is the first step towards finding a place for the Lord – sensing the Lord’s Need for such a place.
“The time is coming – in fact, the time is now – when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. They are the kind of worshipers the Father is looking for (John 4:23).”

If there are true worshipers, then there are false worshipers. If there is spirit and truth worship, then there is a kind of worship which is unspiritual and false. We will not dwell on what is false, for we are already too familiar with it. The question before us is: how may we prepare a place for the Lord Jesus? What is He searching for? Here we have some insight into what the Father is looking for, and since the Son is the express image of the Father, we know they are both looking for the same thing. Are we that kind of place? Is the Lord at home with us? Has the Lord found what He is looking for in us? (Not in a legal sense because we are His children and He loves us no matter what we do, but in a relational sense, in a fellowship and communion sense.)

These questions are irrelevant to those who are only concerned with their own needs. Church, God, the Universe, everything revolves around them and their needs. All decisions are made respective to their own needs, wants, desires (real or imagined). No thought is ever made to meeting the Lord ’s Need, seeing that His desire is met, making sure He has found spirit-and-truth satisfaction in us. That is why I say most meetings and gatherings do not meet the Lord ’s Need. How can they? They are seeking to meet man’s need. The object of this message is to provoke and challenge us towards a higher end, that the Lord may find a Place in us where His Need is met, and our needs are forgotten. IN SEARCH OF A PLACE TO REST “He was in the world, but even though He made the world, the world did not know Him. He came to His own people, and they would not receive Him. But the ones who did receive Him also received the power to become sons of God, yes, everyone who believed on His Name (John 1:10-12). ” The world did not know Him, and His own people would not receive Him.

This, in spite of that fact that He is the Heir of All Things, and apart from Him no one and no thing was made. We see it in the synagogue, when one moment they are wondering at the gracious things that He said and marveling at His teaching – but by the end of the message they are trying to throw Him over a cliff. There are many such examples. It is important for us to understand that, for the most part, the Lord Jesus is shut out and rejected from His own creation (in many ways, He is shut out from His own Church). It is not an issue of Lordship or Deity, for He remains King of Kings. The issue is always fellowship and communion. For the most part, according to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ lacks the intimate relationship He desires with His people. Yet, there is a remnant of people who DID receive Him, and they received power! What about them? This is what we want to know: how may we prepare a place for the Lord, where He finds satisfaction and heart-rest, in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation, in the middle of so much darkness?

IN SEARCH OF SPIRIT AND TRUTH The Lord is seeking spirit-and- truth-worshipers to commune with. In your group, in your meeting, in your heart of hearts – has He found what He seeks?

“Look! I am standing at the door, knocking! If anyone can hear Me, open the door! I will come in to you, and we will have fellowship with one another (Revelation 3:20). ”

We have often quoted this verse in the context of salvation, but it should be noted that Jesus spoke these words, not to lost sinners, but to the Church of Laodicea. Even with His own people He does not force the door open, but He patiently knocks, and waits. Before we can prepare a place for the Lord as a Body of believers, He must have ready and frequent access to us as individual disciples.
In Laodicea the situation is so bad that the Lord makes His appeal to the individual heart to take Him in. We are in much the same condition today. The issue is not salvation, but fellowship and communion. Indeed, the corporate Life of God’s people will only rise as high as the individuals represented. That is to say, if there is no spirit-and- truth worship in our prayer closet at home, we cannot expect spirit- and-truth worship when we gather together. So often we come to a gathering expecting to “ enter in” to a place in God. Instead, the gathering of believers should be the celebration and continuation of Who we have already entered into. The worship, the adoration, the laying down of self, the ministry to the Lord, must be on the basis of the individual “Marys” who sit at His feet every day to hear Him, and the individual “Annas” who never leave the Temple, but minister to the Lord with fasting and prayers day and night. As we continue to ponder these things, may the Lord find an open door to our hearts.

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you. How often I have longed to gather your children together under my wing, as a hen gathers her chicks, but you would not allow it. Now your house will be empty. You will not see Me again until you say, “Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord (Matthew 23:37-39).”

Some ask how the Lord Jesus can feel any sense of loneliness or loss when He has so many children already. The answer is quite apparent. If you have three, or five, or even ten children, would you not grieve over the loss of one? How much more does the Heavenly Father long for all of His children! The Shepherd leaves the ninety-nine in search of the one. Such is the heart of Christ. Now Jerusalem represents that which initially gave the Lord satisfaction, but no longer. It continues in the tradition and ceremony, in the outward things, yet it does not recognize Who the Lord Jesus is. The place of His rest used to be the Temple, but even it has become a “den of thieves”. He longs to have them, to gather them under the shadow of His wing: but they would not allow it. There is a place where the Lord is received: but it is outside of Jerusalem, away from the religious establishment, away from the scribes and teachers of Law, away from the Pharisees, Sadducees, theologians, Bible scholars and hypocrites, even away from the Temple in all its splendor.

Just east of Jerusalem, in a little village, in a single house, He finally finds what He has longed for. BETHANY TYPICAL OF A PLACE FOR THE LORD “Jesus and His disciples entered into a village, and a woman named Martha opened her home to Him (Luke 10:38). ” We know from the context of other Scriptures that this village is Bethany, which means “House of Figs”. Bethany is the place where Mary, Martha, and Lazarus reside. You’ll remember that Jesus visited the Temple in Jerusalem, drove out the money-changers, and spent the night in Bethany. At some point He became hungry, and went to a fig tree expecting to find figs, but found nothing but leaves. So He cursed the fig tree, and it withered. The fig tree represents “ Jerusalem”. Again, the Lord’s Need is not satisfied, and this situation with the fig tree is meant to convey a spiritual truth. The Lord is “hungry” if you will, searching for something that resembles fruit, something pertaining to Life, but finding nothing but leaves – an outward show of greenery, but nothing of any substance or sustenance. But in Bethany, the House of Figs, He will find fruit.

In discussing how we may prepare a place for the Lord, we will take Bethany to be symbolic of that which satisfies the Lord ’s heart and meets His Need. We are not making a case for “house churches” or making a case against “institutional churches”. We are hoping to impress upon you that what satisfies the Lord and meets His Need has very little to do with the outward appearance or geographical location. What makes a “Bethany” is not how they “do” church or how they meet (leaves) but Life (fruit).

There are seven characteristics of “ Bethany”, and we will look at each of them accordingly.

1 – The Lord is welcomed and received.

“Jesus and His disciples entered into a village, and a woman named Martha opened her home to Him (Luke 10:38). ”

The Scriptures mention or indirectly reference Bethany seven times. We are still in Luke 10:38 because everything we have discussed so far leads us to the first characteristic of a “Bethany”, a fruitful house, a place for the Lord. First and foremost, Bethany is the place where the Lord is received. We have seen how the Lord is largely shut out and rejected by most of the world, even standing at the door and knocking to gain entrance into the Laodicean church. Not so with Bethany.
Here the Lord gains the entrance that He has been long searching for. As such, He gains a Testimony in the earth, a golden lampstand from which His Light may permeate darkness. That is why the Churches of Revelation are typified as lampstands. I believe this “receiving the Lord” is a definite thing, an intentional thing (and I ’m not talking about “receiving the Lord as your personal Savior”).
We have heard people say they hope the Lord “ shows up” at their meeting or service. What kind of an invitation is that? “Lord Jesus, we welcome You, we receive You: not as a spectator, but as the honored Guest. ” Now that is an invitation to fellowship. Where two or three are gathered together in His Name, He is there. It is not so much trying to get Him to “show up” as it is acknowledging, welcoming, and receiving Him as in the midst already. But He must be recognized, and our “home” must be opened to receive Him. Is there not some preparation involved?Some who seek “the Presence of God” often covet some feeling in their emotion. We are not after “ the Presence” or some powerful encounter: we are after HIM, and if we are used to seeking some kind of feeling or experience then we must make the distinction between Christ and our feeling. That is not to say we should never feel anything; but whether we are emotionally or physically affected is beside the point. The true worship is spirit and truth, not flesh and blood. Hence, Bethany receives the Lord as His, for Who He is, to minister to Him and to meet His Need.

2 – The Lord’s Word is heard while we sit at His feet.

“Martha had a sister named Mary, who sat at His feet and kept on listening to His Word (Luke 10:39).”

As we consider what it means to prepare a place for the Lord, a “ Bethany”, we come to the second characteristic of this place – it is where the Lord is able to speak, where hearts are open to hear and to perceive what He is saying and doing. There are two elements here: she sat at His feet, and she heard His Word. We must sit at His feet and hear for ourselves. We can hear His Word through other vessels – the pastor, the teacher, the prophet, a devotional, a television program, a book. In spite of an abundance of vessels we are very dull in our hearing. We are well-versed in “the things of the Lord”; nevertheless we are quite shallow. Why? We have missed the Lord for ourselves. We have not sat down at His feet personally, we are consulting and conferring with flesh and blood, receiving second, third, or fourth- generational teaching. If this is our situation then we have no root in ourselves and we are apt to wither during the heat of the day.
You must sit at His feet and hear Him for yourself. Entering into the Lord ’s thought, becoming acquainted with His Ways as well as His Word, takes the sort of love-devotion Mary demonstrates. The Greek here is continuous action: she “kept on listening”. Martha listened too, but when she arose to prepare dinner, Mary remained. As we progress we will see that Mary has discovered spirit and truth, and from henceforth she is always at the feet of the Lord in one way or the other. That is where it begins: the disciple sitting at the feet of the Teacher, lingering there well beyond what is usual and customary, hanging on His every word. So Bethany satisfies the Lord because that is where He is able to directly deposit Himself into listening hearts.

3 – Christ has the preeminence as the One Thing among many things.

“Martha, Martha. You are worried and troubled over many things: but only one thing is needed. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her (Luke 10:41,42).”

Now we come to the third characteristic of Bethany. The place we are preparing for the Lord ’s satisfaction will be a place where He has the preeminence, where everything else takes its place beneath Him. So Bethany stands for Christ having the preeminence. We will not repeat ourselves again, except to say that this One Thing relates to Christ filling all things as the Preeminent One. If we see that God is working all things together according to this Purpose of summing up everything into Christ, towards the One Thing, then we will naturally seek those things which are conducive to this, and we will naturally shun those things which are not. Later we see Martha continues serving, but everything is all right – there is no complaining about Mary, and everything seems to go on as it should.
It is not that service, fellowship, or preparing meals is a bad thing: it simply has to be in the right order. It is not that we cannot perform many good works and spiritual duties: but the work of the Lord must never have preeminence over the Lord of the work. In our experience, most strife and discord between Christians is the result of becoming embroiled in the “many things” and forgetting that “only one thing is needed.” The solution? Paul said, “This one thing I do.” We must be single- minded. As we seek first the Kingdom of God then all the other things will find their proper place beneath Him.
Bethany continually speaks of the One Thing, and in the midst of much distraction and turmoil, it reminds us to take our place at the Lord ’s feet and keep first things first.

4 – The exceeding preciousness and worth of the Lord Jesus is recognized.

“As Jesus was reclining at the table, a woman came to Him with a jar of expensive perfume and poured it on His head (Matthew 26:7). ”

We come to the fourth characteristic of Bethany, that is, the place where the Lord ’s Need is met, where His heart- satisfaction lies. Now we see that Bethany represents the recognition of the preciousness and the worth of the Lord Jesus. This sounds like a very simple thing, but it gets right to the heart of the matter. The complaint from the disciples was that this perfume, worth more than a year ’s wages, could have been sold and the money given to the poor. Those who witnessed this event and protested were in essence saying, “He’s not worth it.” They viewed such pouring out as a waste. “Unto you who believe He is precious (I Peter 2:7).” To those who appreciate the exceeding preciousness of the Lord nothing is too much for Him. Nothing poured out upon Him is a waste. Whether He is anointed with tears, or with perfume – He is worthy of all. Now when Christ is revealed to us and we begin to grow up into Him, our hearts are illuminated and we begin to grasp something of the preciousness of the Lord. The natural response is spirit-and-truth worship.
This cannot be achieved with better music or dynamic worship leaders. Apart from revelation, apart from seeing, we cannot value Him in any deep sense. Worship is our response to revelation. We want to appear to be busy doing for God, busy at our “ ministry”. But there is a place where we simply “waste” ourselves on Him, and outwardly we appear to be doing nothing. Would that more believers would “ waste” themselves more often, ministering to the Lord, sitting at His feet, hearing His word, ministering to Him in secret prayer and fasting! Then when they do rise up to work, how much more fruitful they will be!

5 – Resurrection Life is manifest as we are decreased and He is increased.
The fifth characteristic of Bethany is its manifestation of Resurrection Life. Most Christians want the Life of the Lord in abundance like Lazarus, but they are not willing to lie dead in the grave until they stink. In other words, they are not willing to accept the death of self that they may have the Lord ’s Life. They do not mind if the Lord is increased, but they themselves do not want to be decreased. Notwithstanding, Resurrection Life is not the avoidance of death, it is passing through death in order to overcome it. The one who loses his life will find his True Life, and the one who grasps his life will lose it. Lazarus cannot experience resurrection until he experiences death. When the Lord finds a place for Himself, a “Bethany” of believers gathered together, His own Life will be there as well. Just as we cannot have the Life without having the Law of that Life, so we cannot have the Lord without having the Life of the Lord. And, just as surely as we experience His Life working in us through the Spirit, we will experience His Death working in us through the Cross. It is not too difficult to find a meeting or a service in which you get a sense of death, not of Life. The music, preaching, and fellowship may be well and good: but you come away hungry and deflated because the Lord’s Need is not met. The measure of the presence of the Lord or the blessing of the Lord upon a meeting, a work, or a people is always the Life. Let us not judge by outward appearances. Remember that it is not the leaves of the fig tree, but the figs, which contain the Life. The fruit of the Spirit is the outward manifestation of the inward Life. Resurrection Life is that which has died, but now lives. It has the mark of the Cross upon it. It has passed through death once, and death can no more touch it. If we have not already passed through death then we are constantly fearful of dying, but the one who has already died and lives again has nothing more to fear from death. As we are decreased through the daily carrying of our cross, Christ in us is increased, and the strength of His Life is matured through our weakness. Bethany comprises all these things.

6 – The Lord Himself is celebrated as we “waste” ourselves upon Him.
"A dinner was given in Bethany to honor Jesus (John 12:2a).”

In John chapter 12 all the people we have discussed thus far come together into one setting. Martha is still serving, but there is no friction as before, and we surmise that she has found the proper balance between being and doing. Lazarus reclines at the table with Jesus, and this speaks of the fellowship of resurrection. His very presence at the table with Jesus is a testimony of overcoming, is it not? And of course, Mary worships at the feet of the Lord. The dinner is given to honor the Lord, to fellowship with Him, to meet His Need, to give Him the glory due His Name. It is a celebration of HIM. So the sixth characteristic of Bethany is it celebrates the Lord Himself. Whereas praise celebrates what the Lord has done, worship celebrates Who He is. Praise can sometimes become “me” and “I” oriented (the Lord saved ME, healed ME, set ME free, gave ME power, etc.) but worship can never be centered on anything but the Lord. Keep in mind, of course, that in the midst of this outpouring of affection upon the Lord Jesus, satan is right there to cause a distraction.

Whenever someone decides to prepare a place for the Lord then you can be sure that it will not be an easy piece of ground to maintain. The flesh will try to intrude. Those who do not know any better will present a problem. They will enter the assembly of saints with their own expectation of how things ought to be, and will endeavor to make their opinion known. They have not seen the Lord, they have yet to appreciate the worth of the Lord Jesus, and will view such pouring out of ourselves as “ waste”. We note that Jesus always defended His worshipers, they never had to defend themselves. But if we must suffer for something, I can think of few things better than being accused of “wasting” ourselves on the Lord. Bethany is hallowed ground because it represents one of the last places of real estate on the earth where all activity centers around Christ as All in All. This alone makes Bethany priceless.

7 – An ascendant spirit and a heavenly testimony is evident.

“Jesus led them out towards Bethany, lifted up His hands, and blessed them as He ascended up into heaven. The disciples worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem full of joy (Luke 24:50-52). ”

The seventh and final characteristic we note from the Scriptures concerning Bethany is that it represents an ascendancy between earth and heaven, between the kingdoms of this world and the Kingdom of God. Bethany is where “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven ” is fulfilled as a precursor to its ultimate fulfillment in all the earth. The Church is primarily heavenly. “ He has raised us up together and made us sit together with Him in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). ” We are not suggesting that the Church does not exist at all on the earth; but we maintain that the Church is heavenly, not earthly.
Though it is on the earth, it is not of the earth. Though it is in the world, it is not of the world. Much is made of us going to heaven when we die, but the goal is not so much to get the earthly into the heavenly as it is to get the heavenly into the earthly, and by extension, to maintain the Testimony of Jesus as something over and against this present darkness. Bethany provides the ground upon which the heavenly is made to bear upon the earthly. Bethany has a heavenly savor. There is an ascendant spirit there which lifts us up to the heavenlies.
If there is a failure in the Church today it is this: we live as natural, earth-bound, flesh-and- blood people who speak great things but do not live what we speak. There is no heavenly distinctiveness about us, little reality about us which suggests this other-worldliness of which we claim. We live as “mere men”, religious men, even spiritual men, but not as citizens of heaven. Nevertheless, I believe that as we prepare a place for the Lord this ascendant spirit will break forth upon us spontaneously. It is one thing for us to try to act heavenly, and it is quite another thing for us to enter into such communion and fellowship with the Heavenly Man that we simply begin to exude His heavenliness, as the priest in the Holy Place exuded the fragrance of the sweet incense.

The Kingdom of Heaven is where Christ has the preeminence and fills all things: and if this is the case with us individually, or corporately, then it can be said of us that the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived. PREPARE A PLACE FOR THE LORD “Wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name, there I am in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). ”
When we take everything the Scriptures say relating to Bethany we have an idea of what it means to prepare a place for the Lord.

To summarize, Bethany is the place where: - The Lord is welcomed and received; - The Word of the Lord is heard while we sit at His feet; - Christ has the preeminence as the One Thing among many things; - The exceeding preciousness and worth of the Lord Jesus is recognized; - Resurrection Life is manifest as we are decreased and He is increased; - The Lord Himself is celebrated as we “waste” ourselves upon Him; - An ascendant spirit and a heavenly testimony is evident. Perhaps you are saying, “Oh, that I could find a place where believers gather together towards this end! How I wish I could find such fellowship! I am out here in the desert with no place to go.”
Brother or sister, my challenge to you is this: stop looking for such a place, and be such a place. Perhaps you are in a lonely place because the Lord desires to use you to establish a place in the wilderness for Him. If the Lord has impressed His Need for such a place on your heart, then declare your heart a “Bethany” place and take this up between yourself and the Lord. Give the Lord some ground to build upon. Give Him His place. Do not look for multitudes of people. It is better to have one, two, or three gathered together as the Lord’s Bethany than to have hundreds or thousands of people gathered together as something other than Bethany.

Is there anyone in all the world who can truly meet for the purpose of ministering to the Lord and “waste” themselves in worship, giving no thought to their own need, but laying down their lives wholly for the Lord ’s satisfaction? I pray something is stirring within someone to seriously consider this before the Lord. Many are called, but few are chosen. May He quicken this word to our hearts, and whosoever will, let them hear.

Credit to my dear brother, Chip Brogden, who wrote this message. Find out more HERE

Who Knows?!

When a man set out on a journey to a great land which is full of riches and wealth. When he focused on that which is eternal than that which is temporary, who knows where he will end it? Who knows how his journey will look like? There is always a force behind every action, every things created pointed to the Creator, a design speaks of a Designer, a foundation testify of a Founder. But there is only one Person that knows how the journey will look like and what may likely be fall the one that set himself on this journey. Everyone on the planet earth have at one time or other set out on a journey, if you ask " Mr A" he will tell you the same things as "B", so also "C-Z" will echoes the same thing, that they are journeying to a Land full of riches and wealth!! The believer and unbeliever, the pagan and causal Christians, the Allah and Traditional worshipers, the Hindus and Idol worshipers, the Rich and Poor, Old and Young, Husbands and Wives and many other are on this journey and surprisingly, they all claim to be going to the same place. But who knows where they are all heading to? who knows their individual's destination? I bet, you should know, I mean you that are on this journey!
A man going to London knows where he is going so also he that leave for a trip to Abuja knows his destination but many on this journey Do Not Know Where They Are Heading!! There confession is against their destinations.
They may confessed that they are for peace while their actions openly declare that they are for war. They may confess they are for the kingdom of God while the testimony they bear screams into every living things that they are for Kingdom of destruction and woes.
As a man on this journey, where are you heading? Do you at once in your life consider where you may likely end your life.
If your actions are against your confession then, maybe, I will tell you where you are likely heading to and that will be THE LAND OF HYPOCRISY which is equal to the Kingdom of Destruction. He doesn't matter what your titles are, which denomination you belong and which position you are undertaking here on Earth. A man that is not born-again has only one destination and that is Hell. And he that is born-again and settle on his journey has his own share with hypocrisy!. I think by now you should know where you are heading, if it is the Land of riches and Wealth your heart will bear you witness and if it is other Land, conviction of that is already in your heart! Who knows? God knows and You yourself know and the people around you know where you are heading. Its time to re-visit your ways and doings! Christ loves you!

The Journey So Far (Part 1)

The journey of everyman started from the day the Lord God said "let there be’’. Reading from the book of genesis, one may be able to understand why the Lord God created human beings and also the purpose and goal of Him in creating all things. Not only that but also the purpose of our existence because, inside of His will we find our will.
Majorly, I believed the Lord created us for one purpose though He may have many dimensions of bringing us into that but, that purpose is to make us “His Bride’’ here on Earth. I believed His intention was not to take us to "heaven' but as His wife, to be His authority here on earth (this is why the Lord pray for us in John 17:15; I pray NOT that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest KEEP( PRESERVED) them from Evil),to Judge the Earth and everything He has created, by that we might fulfill His promises in Genesis 1:24-27.

Thus means that, as God is ruling in Heaven, we will both be ruling on earth and in Heaven with Him, we will be living in two realms simultaneously. Just like our Lord said: "the son of Man who is in Heaven and on Earth" ( John 3:13.Paraphrase mine). And this is the peak of our calling in Him to become HIM who is the Father of the Spirit.

But, it takes a long journey for this to be accomplished in us. Since the fall of man in the Garden, one thing or other has been taking the place the Lord desired to have in human race and this is why the Lord has not relent in calling people out when those whom He has called settled on their Journey.

One of the things that happened to "Adams’’ was that though they were pure from the day the Lord created them but they needed to keep the Holiness deposited in them by the virtues of endurance yet, they were "vulnerable to temptation’’from the enemy, the Devil.
The antidotes the Lord provided for them was in the tree of life which was in the midst of the garden. This was why the Lord planted that tree in the garden and gave them permission to eat from its fruits.

But how often do we turn away from the thing that would have saved us from long term regret and cling to those things that brings an unending disappointment and failures.

Man has never faced a temptation that Lord has not provided way of escape from. In fact, it has not been one way but many ways of escaping. But, why would the One who created the universe allowed the enemy to come in and polluted what He has created? Not even the animals and plants but the man He has given Authority to. Why was devil so interested in what God has made in His Image?

That suggest to me that the enemy is always against God’s delegate Authority; anything that has to do with dominion or Power is what the enemy is after. "As Jezebel, who was interested in Power to control the nation of Israel, the prophets of God and turned them to her own nation and prophet then, seek to put to death those who refused her as an authority".

So also at every dispensation the enemy is always against God’s Authority, since he knows that where God’s authority resides will give way for the Kingdom of God to come in.

Jesus said: "If I by the finger of God cast out demons know for sure that the Kingdom of God is come over you’’.

When God gives man an Authority, He creates space for such a person to be "vulnerable to the temptation from the enemy’’, just like when our Lord was baptized, the next thing that happened was for Him to be led to wilderness in order to be tempted by the enemy. His 40days of prayers and fasting were not for power but were a trials of what He possessed (The Authority, Power and Dominion).

The same thing was what happened in the Garden of Eden; Adam has been given dominion and power but here comes the time of trial or test for what he has possessed but the first trial was what man fell into.

When Eve fell, Adam has no choice than to come and meet her where she has stumble and failed.
The enemy plan was to get to the man but first, he needed to get him through his wife; as he couldn’t get King Solomon to raise Idolatry in Israel except through the concubine, the strange women that Solomon fell in love with.

God in His own plan has a place for trial or tests for His Creation. Take for instance, An Automobile Company will not put their goods in term of cars out for sale without a proper test; series of trial and tests has to be conducted before they are in stocks for sales. If they failed in running those trial and tests, and then place their Cars for sale; They are out for unrecoverable failure.
If man can take time in doing that, how much more the Lord God of the universe who gave all things to man!

So, God has a place in the wilderness to conduct His tests on each of His Children; and this was the exact thing that occurred in the Garden of Eden. God gave an instruction; His word to man but, He also went ahead to allowed the man to make decision as regard the instructions.

When God give you a promise, know for surety that before the promise become materialize, it will first of all kill you and if it hasn’t done that then it won’t come to pass.

You may ask, what is the trial and test is all about? It is a test/trial of Love; it is a trial that come out of unfeigned love of God for man. He desire man to prove to the enemy that he (man) loves his Creator unconditionally. And this was exact thing our Lord did while He was tempted in the wilderness. He proved His Love, what has been done and who He was/is to the enemy.

Everyone can remember Job and his trials. Imagine if we only read the first two chapters of Job and neglect the remaining chapters; we can be irrational by concluding that God set up Job for destruction. But indeed, God set up Job not for destruction (though that was the aim of the enemy) but to declared to the Devil that Job loves his Creator and no matter what happened he will not by any means denied Him.

Every pages of the bible I turn to, I keep on seeing the replay of what has happened in the Garden of Eden. The trial of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua and Caleb, David the man after God’s heart and many more, are point to the truth identity of our Journey in Him.
All of these people carry their own cross in their generations. What of the Church age? The Apostles and the believers that followed the Lord faithfully? They embraced their cross on a daily basis and they all have a testimony that their Love for Him the world is not worthy of.

In every generation, that was what God has been doing; calling those that love Him unto Himself. These are the people that will give up all things for His purpose and counsel to be fulfilled in their life.

It will be most appropriate to say the same thing that God said about Adam while in the Garden; "It is not good for man to be alone, I will make him a help meet for him’’ the same things applied to the Lord Himself.

Every animal, all living creatures have their counterpart but for God none of them match to become His own Bride. Just like Adam was in need of Love before God found that love for him, so also The God of creations, the Maker of Heavens and Earth was and is also in need of love.

"The creation desired to be beloved so also the Creator Himself’’

But who are those that will meet His needs? Who are those that are willing to love Him? Who are those that will become His Bride indeed?
In the ultimate commandment, the first on the list is


This is where all other commandment sums up into. For, if I really love him as He has commanded then I will keep His commandment. By not keeping His commandment prove that I don’t really love Him. Every of my actions can be weigh by that.
If there is any generation that the Lord is looking up to in order for this to be fulfilled, then it is this generation. The time and dispensation we are in is all pointing to the fact that God will not take anything less than His bride; "there may be many concubine and harlots in the Land but the Lord must surely have His own wife. Among the multitudes, He must have a remnant; those who are in love with Him on daily basis".

Yea, there may be many who are in love with ''things'' about Him but they are not His bride. Whatever you are in love with is automatically your husband.
So, the calling of the Lord to those who are on this Journey is a calling to a marriage feast; herein the Scripture is fulfilled in our eyes:

"The Marriage of the Lamb’’

We must not forget that we are a people on a journey and our journey is not an easy one, the gate is narrow so also the path. Everything about this journey required a ‘’Person’’ and not a ‘’thing or method’’.

He that gave the method or thing is Greater; the Giver of the rain is more important than the rain.

May the Lord give us understanding as regard this. Amen.

The Journey So Far…… (Part 2) Read Here