NEED FOR CIRCUMCISION Vol 2. Part 1(Continuation..)


In whom (Christ) also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: (Col 2:11)

I would like to put it this way, The Circumcision of Christ is the same thing as the Cross of Christ. The instrument for the flesh is the cross. The Cross for Abraham in his day was “circumcision”, though he was 99 years old when the Lord commanded it to be done. Moses and children of Israel had their own shares. The fundamental thing here is that, this circumcision was done when it was not convenience. It was never at their convenience time. The show that, the cross of Jesus Christ as it were is not a convenience thing. You don’t carry it because it is convenience; you carry it because of the joy that is set before you.

For the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross…” Hebrew 12:2b

I know a great deal of books has been written concerning the Cross but, I want to put in a simple way what the cross simply means.
The Cross means God’s will “crosses” my will!
Since, there is only one will and one desire in heaven, this gives no room for my will or yours to be done. We must either conform to His will willingly or be crush into His will unwillingly. Either of the two, His will must be done. We must either choose to decrease by embracing His cross or be forced to decrease by His eternal counsel. All things must of necessity decrease, and Christ must increase. That’s the counsel of God and nothing can alter that.

We see the cross as the instrument of our circumcision, because that is what God has ordained. Daily, we must carry our cross, embrace it. The cross is the center of God’s will for all creation and not just for Christians. The Judgment of God on all flesh is the Cross.

There other thing I felt I should mention before going further in this… Most of the circumcisions that were done were done on the way.  Moses circumcision was on the way to inn.

For they were uncircumcised, because they had not circumcised them by the way (Josh 5:7)

The Lord says in the book of John “I am the way, the truth and life”. This means that as we purpose to follow the Lord since He is the way, he does not wait for us to be "ready" before he introduces his cross to us. Once we make our intentions know to him that we want to follow him and become his disciples, he then introduce his cross to us. Should we then refuse to be circumcised "on" the way; well, God may give us another opportunity to be circumcised by sending us into wilderness. Either of the way, we must be circumcised or else no Promise land for us.

Life can only be made manifest in us after we've accept the sentence of death in our flesh. This death is not suicide; we cannot kill ourselves, neither can we crucify ourselves. The Romans soldiers did it for Christ. Brothers and sisters, our Romans' soldiers that will do this crucifixion for us are always at our corners on daily basis. Those circumstances, situations, stormy-wind, that brother, that sister, that wife, that husband and all those unpalatable moments are for our crucifixion but how often do we embraced them?

Our Lord on His earthly ministry depends wholly on God. It wasn't that he was weak or because He didn't have the means to do his own thing, but He was willing and ready to embrace the cross on daily living. The climax of that willingness was His Crucifixion. It is possible for us to confess “I will die for You” but fail in our daily death. To die for Christ once and for all its simple but we must at every point in time try the challenging one which is living for Him.

That’s where our wholeness or Perfection lies, in the Cross of Jesus Christ. Our being made complete is in the Cross. It is not at our born-again experiences rather our crucifixion daily. Paul says “I die daily”. No just yesterday or last year but I carry the sentence of death in my flesh.

Joshua 5:8

And it came to pass, when they had done circumcising all the people that they abode in their places in the camp, till they were whole.
It is very interesting to note that they were not healed. This above verse didn't say that “after they were circumcised and abode in their places in the camp, till they were healed”. These are two different things.

It is very possible to be healed and not be made whole. This is why it is a fruitless efforts to be jumping from one program to another; from one mountain to another. You can get healed in your body; surely you cannot be made whole. Wholeness is at a different pedestal. You have to experience circumcision and stay in your camp before wholeness can be achieved. God must bring to you a "camp" that seems right for you.

In 1 Thess 5:23 it reads

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This is actually what the Lord was doing for the Children of Israel after their circumcision, making them whole.

We see that wholeness is a complete package, it does not just happened to your body, it involves your soul and your spirit. As we yield to the Cross of Jesus Christ, the work of wholeness is set in motion for in us. The end result is a resurrected life, a life that is preserved from blamelessness. That is the whole essence of our circumcision that we might become perfect just as our Father in Heaven.

Josh 5:9
And the Lord said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day.

We've come now to another point. I want to really stretch and emphasis this word “Rolled away”. It’s really a big word there. What does it really mean?

We've seen from the beginning of this write up that the Reproach of Egypt is nothing but Death. We should be getting the understand of what the Lord is saying here. If that verse has to be re-read, I will like to put it this way:

And the Lord said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt (Death) off you, wherefore the same place is called Gilgal (Rolled away) unto this day.

The same word that was used in this verse of the scripture for the children of Israel is also the same word used when Christ resurrected:

Matt 28:2

And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.

This same word also was expressed when Lazarus was dead and buried. Take away, taken away, rolled away, rolled back (see John 11:39, 20:1). They are all in contrast to death. This is nothing but resurrection. God in wisdom can only roll away the reproach of Egypt which is death and grant resurrection to those who are circumcised. This may be different from what we’ve been taught but this is the truth.
The way to resurrection is the Cross. No cross no death and no resurrection!!

Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit. 25 He that loves his life shall lose it; and he that hates his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. (John 12:24-25)

The whole essence of circumcision is to bring us to a place of resurrection where death has no power over us any-more but first we must DIE! This is worth living and dying for on a daily basis.

If you want the life of Christ to be made manifest in your mortal body, embrace His cross. The good side of the cross is that it does not only kill but prepare us for resurrection. That’s twofold work of the cross.

I must at this point clarify one thing, it is possible to be carrying our own self-made cross and think we are carrying the Cross of Jesus. God designs the cross for each one of us and this leave out the conclusion of “I should carry my own cross”. The cross is God’s instrument not our own. Our own job is to embrace it. There are many crosses we may be carrying that are not the cross of Jesus.

Some may be the crosses of our “Denominations”, “Our Rules and regulations”, “Our creed or what we've made to believed”. All these cannot lead us into resurrection rather more death. We must be able to ask the Lord “which and who’s cross am I carrying?” Christ himself had to confirm that this is the cross Father has made for him.

There is a need to embrace His cross, and also be sure that the Cross you are embracing is not man-made cross.

to be continue in Part 2.


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