Here Comes Our Kingdom

What if this earth is just a prototype, a bad shadow of that which is good to come? What if we are just here to figure out things and get back to the better place where things work? Where there's no darkness or shadow, where everything is as clear as crystal. What if the family we all know now is nothing to compare to that organic, responsive family. What if the pattern and ways of training that our parents offer us is a bad picture of what a good parenting should look like. 

What if we are dead wrong about our perceptions? What if the little we think we know is as a result of bandwagon effects? What if what we often term sins, rebellion, stubbornness and disobedient isn't what they are called? What if all our good deeds, good behaviors, good moral are nothing good compare to that which is to be revealed?

What if all our ideas of God who created the universe is like single drop of contaminated water in a pure ocean? What if this idea of “born-again, salvation” that we often cry out on our lungs is much simpler than we think? What if there is no spiritual and physical? What if we are just in an energetic field that response to how we perceive thing?

What if……..?

What if……..?

This day, I'm coming to a place of keeping my mouth shut on many issues. I'm coming to a realization on daily basis that this God is a shocker and His kingdom is not what we are actually bargaining for because, we are in for a surprise that will shipwrecked our belief-systems. I'm not afraid to be caught in the wrong side of life (who know the wrong side of life?), I'm just afraid of my lack of seeking. 

Solomon was seeking the God of Israel among the gods and idols in high places, he sacrificed thousands of animals in order to find this God yet, God revealed himself to him without necessary saying to him; "Solomon go to Zion where your father placed the ark (1 King 3:1-15)". The seeking heart meets God, the place does not matter, what matters is the heart that's seeking.

We've built a lot things into the Kingdom that God is bringing to us, we've set a lot of standard. We've patterned how the Kingdom should look like and sometimes we've made it a thing of this present Earth and Heaven. We've set up how the Kingdom should be ruled, how this or that should rule over others. We've even compared it with the way the kings of Israel ruled in their time as if that was what God desired for Israel. In fact, the way kings in this world rule is totally erroneous.
We are too quick to forget that all the labourer received the same reward despite that they came into the field at different time. There was no greater/lesser one among them, all of them were equally paid, and all of them were kings. It was the goodness of “Good Man Of The House” to reward them according to His generosity not according to their works.

Our Kingdom comes with a new Earth and a new Heaven. This earth will be consumed away and the heaven over it will be rolled away like carpet (Revelation 21:1-9). 
Let us not mix these together; "the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ and He shall reign forever and ever" does not refer to that which is to come, it simply means God rules in the affairs of this falling world. It means Christ is in charge of this present world despite her falling state. 
God's ultimate purpose is to make all things NEW, to make the new Earth and the new Heaven a place where Christ’s Preeminence will be seen and felt, where darkness, sin and diseases will have no place to stand, where there is no more tears or death. This is the kingdom we are called to seek for, we are not called to make this present one into it.

No matter how we try, this earth is not the earth the Lord has given to us though, it was before, but now it’s a training ground for the new Earth that we'll be given at the Arrival of Our King and Kingdom.

Our Kingdom is not of this world, just as our brother and Lord said "My Kingdom is not of this world". I often wonder "is it that we don't read the word of Christ or are we just quick to forget what he said?" Our Kingdom is where we'll see our King face to face and no other one, where we can see all thing-NEW. Where there’s no clergy and laity!

We were made anew when we believed in Christ, we shall also be brought to that new Kingdom because a new wine must be put into a new wineskins. But first, we must of necessity receive our training here because we still live here, we must of necessity learn things as regard to our new Kingdom and those things we'll learn here, let us never equate them to that which is to come.

We must not compare the systems of this earth now with that which we were promised. The best parent we have here aren't the best rather a parasite in the eyes of eternity. The best teacher of our days isn't what we need because there’s none. The truth we hold dear now, we may have to let it go to really embrace the Truth Himself.

Have we ever wondered why God, our Father won't judge us based on what we know or the things we understand rather by WHO we have. Have we realized that He didn't put the Life into things rather in a Person? “He who has the Son, has Life”

While it’s good to live on the earth we have now. We must live life to the fullest; we must live in sincerity of heart not with eye-pleasing. We must never live like we have a continue city here, we don't have a continue city here now.

And it does not yet appear how glorious we look like now; we do look so terrible now in the face of this earth. Yea! There is yet to be difference between the tares and the wheat, between the sheep and the goat but, when our Kingdom come then shall we be revealed. Then shall we see and differentiate between the tares and the wheat, the sheep and the goats. “For as He is, so are we now in this world”.

Let us not put our efforts into that which is ready to be done away with rather, let us labour for our Kingdom, let this be our daily cry; “Thy Kingdom Come”. 

Let us live in sincerity and contentment. Let us hold this present Earth with all simplicity without getting attached or used to it. 

Who knows when our Kingdom will appear? Who knows when the Lover of our soul, our King will dazzle the earth with his blazing glory? Who knows when our appearances will be changed in a twinkle of an eye? 

And who knows when death shall knock at our door?

Here Comes Our Kingdom with New Jerusalem…but not of this world, but of that which is to come….

The Bride says: “Come quickly Lord!

Random Posts... 1 ( Stages of Life)

There are three stages in life: Morning, Afternoon and Night.
There are three stages of a Man journeying into God: Natural, Carnal and Spiritual.

We were all born in the Morning (Natural). God's call to us is to come up. In obeying that call, we enter into Afternoon(the carnal or immature stage).
While it is good to come to that stage, it is not enough for you to remain there and boast about your "Carnality"-Immaturity (Afternoon) claiming all that Christ has done for you.
God still call you to become spiritually mature. But, the unfortunate thing is, many will remain in this field of carnality, because they don't trust the Night.
They enjoy the "Afternoon", they have something to show forth, they have things to pursue, names to make, pleasures to dazzle in, knowledge to die in.....
You see. It takes courage, diligent, unlearning and perseverance to embrace the night. 

The promise of God is that "at the time of the night there shall be light". 
He didn't promise light in the afternoon.. 
Candle Light has no meaning in the morning nor in the afternoon. It is in the night that we know what you are made up of. 
Stars are for the night, not morning or afternoon.

The calling of God to all carnal believers is to come away into the Night and Embrace the Cross.
You may call yourself any name or title.
You may be the owner of the new fastest growing business enterprise called/termed "church" in the town.
You may be the chair's warmer or co-labourer in that enterprise. 
Or you may just be someone that claim all God's promise but has not felt the weight of the Cross of Christ.
Your own may be "I don't do denominations, I do house churches, I meet with brethren"... What is even the difference? Is it because you meet in a house? Or because you don't have pulpit and there is no pastor? Or because you share meal after house-fellowship and yet, there is no changes in your walk with Christ?
My friend, what's the difference?
Someone should tell me....
Anybody can meet anywhere, so far it doesn't affect their lives, so far Christ isn't having the preeminence in their lives, so far its still business as usual.
What difference does it make? We may as well termed such place a secret-court or better still, Babylon.
God's call to every little Diotrephes is to get down from their high horse, remove their fake crown and fall at the feet of the Cross of Christ.
Carnality is a lifestyles that God calls everyone of us to leave and embrace the cross..
Here comes the night when the Sons of God shall shine brightly. It is only reserved for Sons/Daughters of God not "Children/Carnal".
" be carnally minded is Death..."