Random Posts... 1 ( Stages of Life)

There are three stages in life: Morning, Afternoon and Night.
There are three stages of a Man journeying into God: Natural, Carnal and Spiritual.

We were all born in the Morning (Natural). God's call to us is to come up. In obeying that call, we enter into Afternoon(the carnal or immature stage).
While it is good to come to that stage, it is not enough for you to remain there and boast about your "Carnality"-Immaturity (Afternoon) claiming all that Christ has done for you.
God still call you to become spiritually mature. But, the unfortunate thing is, many will remain in this field of carnality, because they don't trust the Night.
They enjoy the "Afternoon", they have something to show forth, they have things to pursue, names to make, pleasures to dazzle in, knowledge to die in.....
You see. It takes courage, diligent, unlearning and perseverance to embrace the night. 

The promise of God is that "at the time of the night there shall be light". 
He didn't promise light in the afternoon.. 
Candle Light has no meaning in the morning nor in the afternoon. It is in the night that we know what you are made up of. 
Stars are for the night, not morning or afternoon.

The calling of God to all carnal believers is to come away into the Night and Embrace the Cross.
You may call yourself any name or title.
You may be the owner of the new fastest growing business enterprise called/termed "church" in the town.
You may be the chair's warmer or co-labourer in that enterprise. 
Or you may just be someone that claim all God's promise but has not felt the weight of the Cross of Christ.
Your own may be "I don't do denominations, I do house churches, I meet with brethren"... What is even the difference? Is it because you meet in a house? Or because you don't have pulpit and there is no pastor? Or because you share meal after house-fellowship and yet, there is no changes in your walk with Christ?
My friend, what's the difference?
Someone should tell me....
Anybody can meet anywhere, so far it doesn't affect their lives, so far Christ isn't having the preeminence in their lives, so far its still business as usual.
What difference does it make? We may as well termed such place a secret-court or better still, Babylon.
God's call to every little Diotrephes is to get down from their high horse, remove their fake crown and fall at the feet of the Cross of Christ.
Carnality is a lifestyles that God calls everyone of us to leave and embrace the cross..
Here comes the night when the Sons of God shall shine brightly. It is only reserved for Sons/Daughters of God not "Children/Carnal".
"...to be carnally minded is Death..."


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