NEED FOR CIRCUMCISION Vol 2. Part 1(Continuation..)


In whom (Christ) also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: (Col 2:11)

I would like to put it this way, The Circumcision of Christ is the same thing as the Cross of Christ. The instrument for the flesh is the cross. The Cross for Abraham in his day was “circumcision”, though he was 99 years old when the Lord commanded it to be done. Moses and children of Israel had their own shares. The fundamental thing here is that, this circumcision was done when it was not convenience. It was never at their convenience time. The show that, the cross of Jesus Christ as it were is not a convenience thing. You don’t carry it because it is convenience; you carry it because of the joy that is set before you.

For the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross…” Hebrew 12:2b

I know a great deal of books has been written concerning the Cross but, I want to put in a simple way what the cross simply means.
The Cross means God’s will “crosses” my will!
Since, there is only one will and one desire in heaven, this gives no room for my will or yours to be done. We must either conform to His will willingly or be crush into His will unwillingly. Either of the two, His will must be done. We must either choose to decrease by embracing His cross or be forced to decrease by His eternal counsel. All things must of necessity decrease, and Christ must increase. That’s the counsel of God and nothing can alter that.

We see the cross as the instrument of our circumcision, because that is what God has ordained. Daily, we must carry our cross, embrace it. The cross is the center of God’s will for all creation and not just for Christians. The Judgment of God on all flesh is the Cross.


What Circumcision is

We've seen what circumcision is not; let’s talk about what circumcision is.
In the old, it is refer to as “removal of foreskin” which most often applies to male child. Then you would probably be asking, "are we still under the old law? Why should I be circumcised?" Before arriving at a conclusion by saying we’re under the new covenant and there is no need for circumcision.

Paul made a clear reference when he was talking about circumcision in his letter to Philippians’

For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. (Phil 3:3)

From the passage above circumcision is in contrast to the flesh, which means: worshiping God in the flesh shows that one is not circumcised. One’s confidence in the flesh is a clear indication that one is not circumcised. Should one also failed in rejoicing in Christ Jesus (in his spirit/heart) daily then, the problem is un-circumcision.

In whom (Christ) also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: (Col 2:11)

But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.( Rom 2:29)

As I have made it clear previously that circumcision is not salvation, I will like to add that circumcision is not also the removal of the “foreskin” from a male child according to the Law of Moses. It has nothing to do with that under the new covenant.

What circumcision is really is the putting off of body of sins (which is also the body of death). It’s the removal of flesh in the heart of man. It involves cuttings, pains, shedding of blood and the circumstances that surround circumcision are not palatable.

Circumcision itself is not a joyous thing; none really want to go through it. God has always been the initiator of it. To Abraham, He commanded it. To Moses, his wife understood what it was and did it for her husband lest God smote him, to the children of Israel; God gave the order to Joshua to circumcise them.
And in bro Paul’s letter, he said “we are circumcised in Christ”. This means that God has ordained this circumcision for everyone that would ever come into Christ.

We can conclude then that circumcision is an inward thing according to the book of Romans 2:29 not of outward things. One can display various characters and even pretend to be what he/she is not. We can be religious, fervent so to say, we can also be diligent and full of activities but the revealer of our uncircumcised heart is our “tongues”.
What Is the Problem?



 And Moses made a serpent of brass (As the Lord commanded), and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.(Num 21:9 KJV)

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; that whoever believes may in Him have eternal life. (John 3:14-15 NASB)

The important thing here is that before looking up to the Serpent of Brass there must first be a "bite" from a serpent. Before any healing can happen, there must first be sickness, before any binding of wounds, there must be brokenness, before salvation and restoration there must be a falling short of glory of God.

Negative first before the Positive,the natural before that which is spiritual, the carnal Law before the spiritual Law.

"Let there be Light" God says "and there was light" but, there was darkness first. The emphasis from that verse was not the biting of the serpent, neither was it on the people that were bitten rather on the Serpent of Brass that was hung on the tree. That's the focus, the objects of all worship and adoration.

Serpent that was biting the people here means...sins, craftiness, lies, evil works, the devil himself...the antidotes to these things is nothing but looking up to Serpent of Brass for healing.


Just One Thing Part 1

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: (Col 2:6 KJV)

Some days ago till this time I've been having some conversations, meditations, understanding and I've also been praying as regards some issues. Well, I’m going to talk about one of them like I did in my previous post about “Professor or Possessor?”

A brother once advised us by saying “as you have received Christ so also walk in him”. This word, I've read it severally but I didn't really have understanding as to what he was saying. But, of late the Lord in His gracious mercy has been showing me some light and I wouldn't say this is the final light, for I know the Lord still have a lot to pass across as regard this.

The Growing Madness Called "Church"

The Growing Madness Called "Church"

Many of the articles I write, I enjoy because they sort of ‘burn out’ of me through my fingers and all I have to deal with is grammar and formatting. I am not particularly writing this because I enjoy the topic but I feel that there is a need to speak the truth. It will then be up to individuals to love or hate it, act or remain passive as people tend to do – or even fight it – but I would have spoken the truth.

I sat down in a gathering where I was about to do a gig, focusing on going up to the stage to play some songs. Just before I went up, a guy went up to the podium and started speaking freely about ‘Church’ and ‘Christianity’ – and I sat in my seat and felt fed up… again – but in a nice sort of way. I was glad that someone who has never read any of my articles or had a discussion with me, but who is evidently given to the God-Chase had similar things to say about the filthy stench of ‘Church’, if I may.

Now, when I say Church, I refer to its usage as is commonly used, a place where people gather to do fast-paced music they call ‘praise’ and slow-paced music they call ‘worship’, where the gathering of one person speaking to a large group of passive listeners is ‘fellowshipping’, where the ‘pastor’ is the leader of the ‘flock’ which is the congregation and where he is respected and worshipped as a demi-god because he is ‘the man of God’… But the truth is, no congregation or gathering of people is perfect, so let me not flog these issues.

But then, there are other things.

The church intends to ‘grow’ and by that, it means increase in numbers and branches with more individuals who take on board the practice that characterizes the mode of worship of the denomination, its style of dressing, style of speaking, style of living, which is, more or less, an off-shoot of the church’s ‘founders’.
These may not be the best scenario, ideally, but then, there are other things.



VOL. 1, PART 2 (Updated Version)
We’ve been dealing with issue of circumcision for a while now. If you have not read previous post, you may do so here on the Facebook page or from my blog site here

Joshua chapter 5

This book of Joshua chapter 5 portraits the circumcision of the new generation of army, this circumcision has to do with the heart. In the Old Testament it was referred to as circumcision of the foreskin. What God was proven in that time which is of great relevance to us as a people is, the fact that we have forsaken Egypt does not mean we are totally through with it and need not to be circumcised.
The first stage is our leaving Egypt while the second stage deals with wilderness experiences leading to our circumcisions. Without that, we cannot become an armed person for the Lord neither can we enter into the Promised Land and eat the fruits of the land.

 There is always “the” Promised Land and a Promised Land for the people of God, The former is an eternal Land while the latter is a temporary one leading to the eternal one. They both go hand in hand. One cannot lay claim on the eternal when one has not fully grasp to some levels the temporary one.

The tool or the way to embrace the two is through circumcisions. God’s promise to Joshua was “as many that would go through this circumcision, I will roll away from them the reproach of Egypt”. The condition by which God will do that is through circumcision.


Maybe this isn't the best time to buy that stuffs, to get entangle with that person, to allow your heart to be cumbersome with that thoughts and imaginations flying and humming in and out like a bee on flowers. Maybe this is the time to journey backward and see where you are coming from. Maybe it’s time we remind ourselves of our frailty and consider not the strength we've put together so long. This might help us once again to see what we ought to crave for than what we are already dying for.

Sometimes, we are quick to forget "our frames", where we were "carved" out, we think we know many thing, we think we have understanding; we think we are full of wisdom and how to maneuver our ways. Though we may not actually say it out and that does not negate this fact. The absolute thought of "I'm best at this" it’s a signal that we are journeying on a wrong path.

How often do we consider that we could be "deadly wrong", how many times have we looked at ourselves in our closet and tell the sincere truth to our consciousness and sub-consciousness that “we are nothing but dust...” The pursuit of happiness, good living, good job, good home and a lovely family are not what guarantee blessed life. We may have all that we crave for and lose that “which” is craving and yearning for our attention.

Quiet An Age...

It been a while... 
This year has been a little busy for me but, I'm trusting the Lord to put together some of the things He has been showing to me lately such as "God's Testimony", "Need For circumcision Part 1 Vol. 2-Part 2 Vol 1 and 2", "Expositions on the books of James chapter 1, Jude, John and some other passages". 
The continuation on the "Great House" will also be posted.  All these by His grace and also by your prayers. As God continue to lead me, I will also share some of my personal experiences lately as regards God's kingdom, His Church and the world...  

I earnestly covet your prayers as this year go by, for there are many thing to be publish/post but the time is really limited and the busy schedules isn't helping.
May the Lord be gracious to everyone of us and may His mercy keep and guide us all the days of our life in Jesus name. Amen

In His service,